Primal Edge Health
Welcome to the Primal Edge Health podcast hosted by Tristan Haggard, founder of Primal Edge Health. Explore cutting edge holistic lifestyle optimization with a focus on nutrition, environment, light, movement, and worldview. We use animal-based nutrition, the ketogenic diet, the carnivore diet, whole unrefined ancestral foods, regenerative agriculture, homesteading, and a holistic lifestyle approach for health, vitality, and optimal performance so we can thrive and bring others along for the ride. Build healthy bodies, homes, families, and communities together, because we are far more than what we eat. Hosted By: Tristan Haggard Email:

Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Vegan activists help the animals by attempting to destroy, harass, and cancel Tommy and Skye, former vegans who dared speak out about their reasons for leaving the cult.

Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Milk is racist? California is going nuts, Newsom says it's that pesky climate change's fault again. We explore the Extinction Rebellion and other fake grassroots movements.

Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Social media "influencers" take the next step along the path of their moral degradation and become sex workers on OnlyFans. Dr. Greger gives the secrets of a great sex life: eating a nutrient deficient plant-based diet that is known to degenerate the central nervous system function and put people at risk of stroke.

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Skye from joins for a chat on internet cancel culture, her experience in the weird world of veganism, and the whack-ops and soy-ops that ideological cultist vegans try to use to silence their critics. Skye reveals her REAL FACE as well!

Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Tristan analyzes pop culture and media manipulation of our perceptions and worldview. The UN drops a hot track calling for new world order to save the Pacific Islands. Masks and a big lame seitanic initiation into a "normal" we should not accept.

Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
We learn how and why to wear a mask and what names to call people who refuse to wear one. Ethicist says a "morality pill" to help men be more subservient to the state can save lives. Vegan teen activist Hudson Tarlow saves the animals with tiktok views (for the animals).

Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
VICE hits the streets to teach us how to cut our carbon footprints. We learn about spirituality and open our chakras with super spiritual vegan youtubers.

Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
We learn what the ideal body is for the new normal. Dad bods and transhumanism are all the rage, according to The Experts of The Science. Dr. Greger, prototype vegan nu-male and Expert of The Settled Science tells us why we should go vegan

Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Science says that men who were face masks are "sexier". Tim Shieff shows the UK how to properly wear a mask. Hench Herbivore describes his crazy psychonaut adventures and lets us all know, several times, how big and strong he is.

Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Vegans are committing crimes of cultural appropriation, but they are also dropping some of the sickest flows ever. We have some laughs and rate the flows of youtubes top cringe vegan rap tracks.