Primal Edge Health
Welcome to the Primal Edge Health podcast hosted by Tristan Haggard, founder of Primal Edge Health. Explore cutting edge holistic lifestyle optimization with a focus on nutrition, environment, light, movement, and worldview. We use animal-based nutrition, the ketogenic diet, the carnivore diet, whole unrefined ancestral foods, regenerative agriculture, homesteading, and a holistic lifestyle approach for health, vitality, and optimal performance so we can thrive and bring others along for the ride. Build healthy bodies, homes, families, and communities together, because we are far more than what we eat. Hosted By: Tristan Haggard Email:

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Iconic (ex) vegan Jon Venus comes on for a candid conversation about his recent decision to leave veganism.

Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
We explore the emerging utopia in Seattle, the CHAZ. The Autonomous zone is not without its problems, including Raz, the soundcloud rapper and Air-BNB owner who has emerged as a warlord within days. The CHAZ is running out of food and needs more vegan meat alternatives. Gary Yourofsky, vegan activist is as woke as they get and totally not mentally ill. Jon Venus gets attacked by more vegans for daring to eat animal foods.

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
We take a look at the kneeling shame brigades of the global Revolution™, sponsored by the Fortune 500. Jon Venus is no longer vegan - and the cult is, predictable and hilariously, quite upset.

Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Supreme, Nike, Bank of America, and hundreds of multinational corporations, investment banks, and NGOs are helping bring justice and equality with a free private afterparty in the private prisons where we can all have vegan kibble, universal basic income, and free room & board.Vegan irritants evangelize in the streets and try to convince woke brits to stop eating animals for social justice.

Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Dr. Greger, who has never treated a patient or published any scientific research, is cited by mainstream media as a "scientist" and "expert" who prophesies death by chicken for half the world population unless we listen to the philanthropists and The Experts of the Settled Science and replace all our real animal with mass produced plaunt based kibble.Melinda Gates, corporations, banks, and media are woke and want to help us have "equality".

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Backyard Chickens and #homesteading are exploding in popularity...but The #GoodGlobalCitizen Experts of the Settled Science warn they could destroy everything. Happytalism and Beyond Philanthropy bring us vegan solutions to all the world's problems. Sadhguru just wants to help everybody stay safe from the whyrus. Animal rights activists cope with the lockdown.

Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
The New York Times says we must be a #GoodGlobalCitizen, give up meat and eat the kibble for social justice in a piece by Jonathan Safran Foer titled "The End of Meat is Here". Paul Bashir, a vegan activist from Anonymous Voice for the Voiceless, cowers from a debate that his assistants set up. We take a look at Paul and his organization/ vacation lifestyle. Nature Boy has made some major changes in the last few years of his cult - we check out him and his harem and peep in on his white European doppelganger, Sv3rige - the Nature Boy for Neopagans.

Saturday May 23, 2020
Saturday May 23, 2020
Quarantines and social distancing are making is hard for vegan activists to ruin people's meals because new regulations and government mandates are ruining them before the activists can. 2nd hour Skinny Vegan Fitness comes on for debate and discussion about the ethics of veganism.

Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
The Washington Post claims that "Meat is NOT essential". Vegan activists Joey Carbstrong, Humane Hancock, Dr. Klaper, and Plant Based News show how to be a #GoodGlobalCitizen. Fwank Tufano is oppressed and everyone more popular are shills. UNICEF rebrands mental health as the new abnormal.

Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Contact tracing brings us citizen snitch brigades thanks to Rockefeller Foundation, Gavin Newsom, and the Clinton Global Initiative. Ryan from Happy Healthy Vegan says meat is non-essential and plays with his whammy bar. What's behind these beef shortages in the US? Bill Bullard from R-Calf USA comes on in the second hour to talk.