Primal Edge Health
Welcome to the Primal Edge Health podcast hosted by Tristan Haggard, founder of Primal Edge Health. Explore cutting edge holistic lifestyle optimization with a focus on nutrition, environment, light, movement, and worldview. We use animal-based nutrition, the ketogenic diet, the carnivore diet, whole unrefined ancestral foods, regenerative agriculture, homesteading, and a holistic lifestyle approach for health, vitality, and optimal performance so we can thrive and bring others along for the ride. Build healthy bodies, homes, families, and communities together, because we are far more than what we eat. Hosted By: Tristan Haggard Email:

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Jay Dyer and Tristan discuss Bond-villain wannabe Klaus Schwab, his think-tank called The World Economic Forum, and his book "The Great Reset" in a fun, casual, informative conversation about social engineering, history, and pop culture.

Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
What do transnational corporations, banks, war criminals, power hungry politicians, billionaire "philanthropists", and degenerate "Royals" all have in common? They all just happen to agree that we all must do to save the planet from all the threats - The Great Reset and a new social contract where we own nothing and are rationed everything and treated like labrats...mandatory attendance for all people.

Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
We explore the ideology behind "The Great Reset" - the "sustainable" global cultural and political technocratic revolution and it's purveyors' slogan "build back better".

Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Prince Charles, who prefers the Non-Essential people call him "His Royal Highness, Prince Charles", addressed The World Economic Forum on The Great Reset - we learn about the motives and reasons behind it.

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Exploring the historical parallels between today and the time of the Bolshevik Revolution. Leaders say we need more lockdowns and a "Great Reset". Spiritual healing in 5d, new-ager youtube grifters help us transition to higher consciousness

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Sesame Street teaches us how to raise our children as good global citizens who always wear their face diapers and listen to The Experts. Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum want a Great Reset...they haven't bothered asking us. Zeke Emanuel is ridin with Biden and says we should all want to die young, for the greater good

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Covering the election shenanigans: Kamala's voice and cackle heal a nation; Van Jones fake cries; Colbert fake-almost-cries.

Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
We explore the worldview and moral landscape of high school graduate and online imaginary animal-rights wacktivist, Vegan Gains. (Hint: DO NOT go over to Richard's house if he invites you.)

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
We further explore the top-down social engineering push for "polyamory" and "non-monogamous" relationships and consider the idea of "polyamorous parenting". Open lines with audience call-ins.

Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
VR, augmented reality, and fake food will be the future if we allow it. Fwank makes another incoherent attack video, go figure. We react. Plus, open lines with audience call-ins.