Primal Edge Health
Welcome to the Primal Edge Health podcast hosted by Tristan Haggard, founder of Primal Edge Health. Explore cutting edge holistic lifestyle optimization with a focus on nutrition, environment, light, movement, and worldview. We use animal-based nutrition, the ketogenic diet, the carnivore diet, whole unrefined ancestral foods, regenerative agriculture, homesteading, and a holistic lifestyle approach for health, vitality, and optimal performance so we can thrive and bring others along for the ride. Build healthy bodies, homes, families, and communities together, because we are far more than what we eat. Hosted By: Tristan Haggard Email:

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
We learn about the recent push for "polyamory", a great way to make yourself and those around you miserable, unable to pair-bond, and in a state of perpetual adolescence...a #GoodGlobalCitizen. Open lines with audience call-ins

Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
The World Economic Forum's Ida Auken's 2016 article lauding the smart city grid finally goes viral. People are pissed.

Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
The final presidential debate, live reaction with audience call-ins.

Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Well-being is the new proposed measure of goodness, according to the UN and WEF. The new "sharing economy" and how it may apply to your relationship, as social engineers nudge people towards polyamory. Social media is a mental illness beauty pageant, as demonstrated by fame-hungry YouTubers.

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Joined by Jay Dyer, we watch the Dueling Town Halls, because our voices all really, truly, totally MATTER in a "Democracy". Cultural and political analysis followed with Open Lines and audience call-ins.

Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Elmo teaches us how to go to school. Vegans try to teach themselves to be funny. Infinite Cup teaches us how to be spiritual and reach new levels of enlightenment

Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Brave heroes sing songs about how we can also be heroes by wearing masks. Vegan Gains and Frank Tufano are good little global citizen e-celebs. The third segment has open lines with audience call-ins.

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Bart Kay joins us in Part 1 to talk The Science and fallacies employed by those who misrepresent the scientific method. We open up the phones in Part 2 and the stream catches a bad case of cancer when a spastic vegan joined and hilariously malfunctioned for several hours. Viewer beware, you will lose your patience.

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Bart Kay joins us in Part 1 to talk The Science and fallacies employed by those who misrepresent the scientific method. We open up the phones in Part 2 and the stream catches a bad case of cancer when a spastic vegan joined and hilariously malfunctioned for several hours. Viewer beware, you will lose your patience.

Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Wear a mask songs teach children how to be properly terrified and dehumanized. Big corporations and the World Economic Forum want more autistic people in the work force. Viewers call in and talk training, farming, and more.